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SETICon01 Technical Symposium

28 April 2001, The College of New Jersey

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Executive director H. Paul Shuch convened SETICon01, the first SETI League Technical Symposium, on 28 April 2001, at The College of New Jersey.
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All attendees received a copy of Proceedings of SETICon01: a collection of papers submitted for The SETI League's first Technical Symposium, published by the Americal Radio Relay League. If you missed the Symposium, you can still obtain the Proceedings. Must reading for every serious SETIzen. ISBN 0-87259-830-6.

Suggested Contribution: $20 postpaid in US, $25 postpaid elsewhere. Order here.

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Proceedings 01

SETI League president Richard Factor greeted the thirty SETI League members attending our very first Technical Symposium, and thanked them for their enthusiasm and participation.
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Andrew Howard, a graduate student at Harvard University, introduced conference attendees to the basics of Optical SETI.
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With twelve technical presentations squeezed into a single day, our Executive Director sometimes found it necessary to use the official SETI League clock to call time on our speakers.
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Prof. Rob Lodder from the University of Kentucky described his students' near-infrared OSETI observatory.
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Former Bruno Award recipient and volunteer Regional Coordinator Noel Welstead concluded the OSETI workshop by bringing our members up to date on Optical SETI activities in Australia.
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Member Harry Kimball has recently prepared a database for organizing information about our Project Argus stations. At SETICon01 he provided a statistical overview of the first one hundred such stations.
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Executive Director H. Paul Shuch reported on progress with our planned Array2k sixteen-dish radio telescope.
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Peter Wright, SETI League regional coordinator for Germany, wrapped up the Microwave SETI workshop by telling us of the activities of the European Radio Astronomy Club.
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Muriel Hykes and Heather Wood ably staffed the registration table, and provided refreshments in the Exhibits Room, all day Saturday. Between customers they could be found writing on a laptop computer, and knitting, respectively.
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Ed Cole, volunteer Regional Coordinator for Alaska, led two Test and Measurement workshops. He emphasized noise measurements, including the use of the sun to calibrate radio telescopes.
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EME committee chairman Allen Katz discussed ways in which moonbounce communication is beneficial to (and compatible with) the SETI enterprise.
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SETI League Founder and president Richard Factor enthusiastically introduced gravitational lens SETI (GL-SETI) as a complementary search strategy to be pursued in addition to targeted searches (such as the SETI Institute's Project Phoneix) and our own Project Argus all-sky survey.
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Prof. Allen Tough, who chairs our long-range planning committee, reviewed recent SETI innovations, including his own Invitation to ETI internet initiative, and The SETI League itself. He sees our organization as a welcome and lively forum for discussing highly speculative ideas that somehow tend, in time, to work themselves into the scientific mainstream.
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A view of roughly thirty attentive SETI League members participating in the SETICon01 technical sessions.
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Art Fricke, a graduate student at RPI, ended Saturday's technical sessions with a lively workshop intended to design the ideal virtual SETI researcher. He presented several designs by children, and challenged us supposed adults to top them.
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Dr. Shuch thanked each of our speakers with a small gift, provided concluding remarks, and invited all attendees to join him at the first SETI League Awards Banquet that evening.
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After dinner, we were treated to a photo tour of several of the great radio telescopes of Europe, conducted by Peter Wright, president and founder of the European Radio Astronomy Club.
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Thirty SETIzens listen to Peter Wright, DJ0BI, describe some of the world's great radio telescopes, at the first of (we hope) many annual Awards Banquets.
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Awards Committee chairman David Ocame announces the 2001 Giordano Bruno Memorial Award...
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...which went to a much-surprised Peter Wright, in recognition of his significant efforts to promote amateur radio astronomy throughout Europe. This press release details his accomplishments.
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Thanks to the generosity of several donors, our Door Prize table was overflowing, and nobody went home empty handed from the first SETI League Awards Banquet. Here Dr. Shuch begins to read the winning names.
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First Prize, a 1420 MHz cylindrical waveguide feedhorn contributed by Jeffrey Lichtman of Radio Astronomy Supplies, went to Jonathan Rosen, a 17 year old senior at Princeton High School. He plans to attend Princeton University in the fall.
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Vince Caracci from the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers won the Grand Prize, a beautiful WiNRADiO 1550e receiver generously contributed by SETI League member and WiNRADiO engineer Milan Hudecek.
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No SETI League event is complete without a song or two. Here Dr. Shuch leads us in When They Build the 1hT, his tribute to the SETI Institute's new Paul Allen Telescope project. Click here for a multimedia film clip.
Bruce Cornet photo

See 2001 Annual Meeting minutes

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