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SETI League Membership Directory

In response to numerous requests from members, The SETI League, Inc. first published a membership directory in September 1996. The document is sorted by country and state, to facilitate your locating and networking with other members in your region. It contains names, addresses, ham calls, and email addresses when provided.

The SETI League membership directory is updated annually in January, and posted to the Members Only section of The SETI League's website. To enable secrue access, members in good standing receive a new user name and password annually via post, upon payment of dues or renewal of membership. In addition to membership information, this directory lists SETI League committee chairs, regional coordinators, and all registered Project Argus stations.

Your directory is intended to be used only for SETI coordination. It may not be distributed to other organizations, or used for any business purpose. We ask our members to respect the privacy of their fellow SETI supporters. For this reason, the directory is not being posted to public sections of this Web site.

If you object to having your name and address supplied to other members, please advise Headquarters preferably by email, or by fax (+1 201 641-1771) or voice-mail (+1 201 641-1770) before the new directory update goes to press on 1 January of each year.

For those who do wish to be included in the next roster, please remember periodically to update your membership records. Please complete this update form by January 1st of each year. Thank you for your cooperation.

Privacy Statement:

The SETI League Membership Directory is provided for the personal use of SETI League members in good standing only, in order to facilitate scientific collaboration between members. It may not be published, distributed, photocopied, scanned, provided to the press, or in any other way duplicated, nor any portion of its contents divulged to any party other than a SETI League member. Please respect the privacy of your fellow members.

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